How do you get your calendar back under control?
In this blog, I am going to stay away from typical advice like calendar blocking strategies or delegating meeting to others, instead I will take you through my thought process on how to decide what meetings to attend.
The idea that doing more work brings more value to your business is false. Busy work is replaceable work. What brings more value to your business is being able to come up with unique solutions to problems that no one else can solve.
True or false? Those who work the hardest, rise to the top.
It’s a trick question.
It is true that if you put in long hours you will receive short term performance gains. The amount you can produce is related to amount of time you put in. But at some point, the number of hours you put in will produce diminishing returns because the quality of your work is sacrificed.
Three years ago, I released a blog about gratitude. Looking back now, I would call that blog a bit shallow. It lacked depth because I was merely repeating what I read from others. Since then, I have spent more time thinking about gratitude and testing different methods on myself.
We should try our best to be kind to others, but at the same time be tough on ourselves.
Why do we break promises to ourselves so often? What do we need to do to stand a better chance of sticking to a commitment we make to ourselves?
It’s a fundamental decision we must make to dedicate our whole being to the thing that we are most fascinated with.
The mobile phone insulates us from our own boredom. If there is a moment to spare, we check our phones. We are afraid to miss something. Our phones give us instant gratification, relieving us from... ourselves. But each time we check our phones, we disengage from our own lives. We miss out on the most important thing that we have – the present moment.
From one fad to the next, we are chasing something, but we don't know what. All the while, the one fad that we should be chasing is right under our noses.
We can never truly understand the suffering that another person goes through or has been through in their life.
I hate the days when I am overly busy. I move from tasks to tasks. Email to email. Conversation to conversation. I go home at night feeling like I didn’t accomplish anything. It was a wasted day in a life that is wasting away.
Every day, you face many decisions. In each decision, you have a choice to do what is right, or to do what is wrong.
Left to your own accord, you will often make the wrong decision.
I play the leading role in a movie that has no name. I have no fans, no following, no groupies. I am not famous. I will never win an Oscar. I will play the same role in the same movie for the rest of my life.
We can choose to live our lives, day to day, without any sense of direction. Our time is given to the daily emergencies at work or the mundane duties we must perform at home.
This blog will lift the veil behind my writing process and give you a sneak peek into how I structure my most private thoughts. It will also give you a glimpse of the time and effort it takes to bring a decent blog to your screen.
You and I are both fiction writers.
I am a pawn on a chessboard. The rules are simple, one or two steps forward at a time. If I was the only piece in the game, I would always win. But instead, I am at the mercy of the powerful chess pieces who try to manipulate and control me.
Being human in the 21st century.
Dealing with people who rub us the wrong way is unavoidable so it’s best that we prepare for these situations in order to protect our own emotions.
This is a Toastmaster speech about why waiting for inspiration to motivate yourself is a recipe for disaster
Education allows you to stop “being yourself”. It instead allows you to “recreate yourself.”
Almost everything that happens in this world resides outside the span of our control. It’s our obsession with the uncontrollable factors that cause most of our negative emotions.
I should not be afraid of being judged by others...
A blog penned to myself...
Dear James,
You may find this hard to believe, but you have chosen to be average.
Being connected 7x24 can be a great thing. We have unprecedented access to information, people and entertainment. But at what cost? What is the addiction to the Internet doing to our ability to think , learn, and focus?
Society rewards those who can talk. Those who can talk, will typically rise. Those who listen seem to keep on listening.
But what does talking get us? What are we really judged by?
It's not easy being a people manager. You have your employees, your customers, and your own boss to please. But don't forget what people managing is all about. People managing is about being a leader who can inspire and motivate their team to be better, to do better and to reach their highest potential.
Here are three secrets to accomplishing just that...
Time ticks at a constant pace, yet our perception of time changes on a regular basis.
How does watching a clock relate to being more present?
The positivity movement has increased in momentum. Pictures, wall art, shopping bags, and desktop pictures share a similar message. - Stay positive - Be happy - Smile.
All great advice. But do these images and words really make us feel better?
It’s a travesty that our best hours each day are spent in distraction.
Distraction destroys our ability to fall into a deeply focused state which leads us to compromise on the work that we deliver.
It has become one of the easiest games you can play – Self-Induced Victimhood.
It’s easy to be good at it. All you have to do is bitch, moan and complain.
Remember being asked, “What do you want be when you grow up?”
As children, we all come up with some of answer.
Even if we don’t have a clue what growing up actually means, the adults tend to lead us with ideas such as a lawyer, doctor, firefighter, or an astronaut.
Presence - the ability to feel alive in the present moment.
Do you lack it? If so you are missing out the best part of life.
My mission – hike 2.9 kilometers up a mountain, climbing up 2,830 steps. In other words, conquer Mother Nature’s Stairmaster to reach the peak of Vancouver.
But just like you, before I begin anything new, I have to defeat my own fears.
There is one secret ingredient that everyone needs to know about when looking to make positive life changes. Without this secret ingredient it is likely one will fail in their quest to reach personal greatness. Find out what the secret ingredient is in this blog.
I get this question all the time "How do you motivate yourself each day?" Here is a secret I have not told anyone before. I play the game called "Yes means No and No means Yes."
It’s a disease that runs rampant in our human culture.
It’s a propaganda on our TV screens, newspapers, and radio stations.
I hear it from my friends, coworkers and family members.
I feel it deep within myself. Each day I wake up, I feel this disease gripping at my soul.
This blog post is a special one because it isn't really a "blog". It contains within it a podcast that I did for the SAP intern team which digs deep into several aspects of my life.
- My career
- My meditation practice
- My morning routine
- The way I deal with stress
- The way I speed read
- The advice I would give myself now if I could speak to my younger self
- Happiness
- Success in life
- How do I raise my kids?
Work hard and constantly pursue excellence. You never know who is watching. You never know who's life you end up touching...
The most magical moments after a week of meetings are the moments right after the meetings end. Only after it all ends do I get a chance to zoom out and reflect in silence about all the lessons that I learned.
Over the past year I wanted deepen my gratitude practice and as well make minor changes to my life in order to feel more positive during the day. Here were the three goals I set for myself:
1. Realize that positive experiences happen all the time
2. Find a way to make the joyful feelings of seeing something good occur last longer than the typical split second
3. Be able to generate these joyful feelings on demand
Let’s dive deeper into these 3 topics.
Have you ever had a situation where one bad thing that happened to you during your day ended up ruining your entire day? I know I have.
This blog was created to provide you strategies in which you can become emotionally tougher.
There is never a straight path towards reaching personal greatness. Throughout life we will face many ups and downs. Along our journey we will also run into groups of people who will attempt to slow us down or stop us from reaching our highest level of potential possible. Who are these people and why should you avoid them?
The words you use when you speak can make or break your confidence. They can determine whether you have a great day or a terrible one. They can also cause emotional bliss or turmoil.
Choose your words wisely...
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could all fall passionately in love with your job?
There is one secret that could change your entire career around...
Welcome to the start of another year!
This is the year you will get motivated and make some massive improvements across all areas of your life! But let me warn you, it won’t be easy. Are you up for the challenge?
Don't make the mistake of moving forward into the next year before you have a chance to think about your past year. What are some things you should think about? Find out in this blog.
Sometimes in life you have to move 1 inch backward in order to move 2 inches forward. The quicker we all learn that all positive change starts from the inside and not the outside, the faster we will get to a place of happiness.
PS: This blog was 1 year in the making. I hope you enjoy it.
Being in inspired is one of the greatest feelings we can possibly feel. When inspired, our minds begin to rapidly fill with ideas and our motivation levels are at its highest. How do you cultivate inspiration? How do you ensure that the inspiring thoughts you have don't get lost?
There is no greater human equalizer in life then death. Everyone of us is bound to die, regardless of wealth, popularity, intelligence or anything else for that matter. What do you need to ask yourself to take advantage of the life you have left to live before it is too late?
I was never much of a writer.
I remember thinking to myself that journaling was a waste of time. I remember telling people that there was no point in writing using a pen and piece of paper because typing was better and faster.
I take my exercise workouts seriously.
To me, going to the gym is about much more than getting into physical shape. It's a chance for me to use the gym to mentally prepare me for the rest of my life. If you need motivation to workout, then this is the right blog for you.
When the city was dark due to a power outage, I took the time to think about happiness and how to obtain it...
Why do some people in your workplace seem to be so lucky? The seem to get all the cool opportunities and always seem to be on the tip of everyone's tongue in a postive way... How can you become more "lucky?"
There was times in my life when i struggled to find a balance between work and life. Not anymore. If you struggle with work-life balance, read this blog.
It was time... I was avoiding this very event my entire day. I knew that I was about to face unwanted pain and suffering. My palms and forehead begin to sweat. I feel the butterflies floating in my stomach.
You will find times in your life when you are more forgetful than usual. Typically it is when you under stress and bogged down by many little annoyances. This is what I call mental clutter. Mental clutter is a collection of the thoughts that continuously pop up in our mind. It’s the things that we think of and should take care of but then we end up ignoring. These thoughts will continue to haunt us until we attend to them.
When we were babies, we were born with a completely clean slate. No preconceptions of what the world would be like. We saw the world with new eyes, everything was so interesting, so new, so exciting. The world we were born into was limitless. With each new experience, we learned. With each new touch, we felt a connection to others. With each new smile, we felt love.
Humans are wired to think negatively... In the past, it helped us survive as a species by allowing us to prepare and identify danger. In today's world, thinking negatively can complete you drain you of all your energy, time and mental power. Let's eridicate the ANTS...
I used to read the news right before I went to sleep and first thing in the morning when I woke up.
It was the perfect way to ruin my sleep or to start my day off on the wrong foot. For years, I thought that reading the news was important because I needed to be informed. If I wasn’t informed then I wasn’t relevant. I probably learnt that directly from the news media. I was wrong. They were wrong…Dead wrong.
There are so many wonderful lessons that I have learnt from my two children over the past few years. I learn just as much from them as they learn from me (I might even learn more). They are little teachers that give me amazing insight, at the most unexpected times.
Unfortunately we as adults often fail to see the lessons because we are so busy in our own little world.
When you follow the herd, you lose a sense of your true self. You pass on the urges that you have deep inside of you to be your own person. You waste mass amounts of time, doing things like everyone else where that time could have been better spent doing something that takes your life to the next level.
If you WIN the morning you WIN the day. It's that simple. Read this blog to understand what my morning routine looks like. There is no doubt about it, this is a MUST READ blog.
My story begins long before I was born… My story is intertwined with my family’s story of hardship, triumph, hate, love, agony, success, heartache, happiness, fear, hope….
To understand who I have become in life one needs to understand where my family comes from and the values they instilled in me when I was young…
Yes I love spending time alone.
No, I am not a loner.
Yes I love being a hermit for at least an hour every single day. I call it my “power hour.” Just me in silence… no TV, no phone, no noise, no interruptions.
The pursuit of excellence is a mindset. It’s how you attack everything you do. It’s about changing your perspective so that everything you do, you do to the absolute best of your ability working within the allotted time and resource constraints. It’s about not settling for less and over delivering on promises made to yourself and others.
When I first heard of meditation I pictured monks sitting cross legged in a Tibetan mountain, chanting to themselves while not moving for hours. Needless to say, I was being completely ignorant to what meditation is. Today, I believe that mediation has been the biggest game changer in my life. Why and how should start mediation? Find out here...
I recently had the opportunity to go back to the university that I graduated from to speak in front of the 2015 graduating class. I was given full reign to speak about anything I wanted as long as it was “inspiring”.
I spent some time thinking about what I wanted to speak about, and then it hit me. If I could go back in time and speak to myself when I was in the same situation as the graduates, what would I want to know? What do I wish I knew when I was 22?
Whether you realize it or not, FEAR holds you back. Fear stops you from accomplishing all the things you wish you ever achieved in life. Let's learn how to identify and eradicate fear...
Having kids has been life changing for me. I realize that as a parent it’s my responsibility to prepare my kids to enter a world where they will face many challenges and ups and downs. There are three philosophies that I teach my kids that I believe will set them up for success for the rest of their lives. What are they? And how can you them to improve your own lives?
Do you want to know what it takes to live a complete and successful life? No it isn't just about the money or the accomplishments you obtain in life. There is so much more to living an amazing life... I will show you how to break your life into 8 different key areas and also provide you a map to help you navigate your way to success.
There are times in our lives when unhappiness and dissatisfaction creeps in. Internally, we know that we have everything reason to feel happy and content, but for some reason, something is missing. We buy the new thing we have always wanted and think we have obtained a state of happiness but even that good feeling is short lived.. .the only defense against this is Gratitude...
Too many people go through life in a blur. It’s the ever constant rat race that we are in. Climbing the corporate ladder, pleasing others, buying material items to keep up with your friends. I know the exact feeling. But something changed in me a few years ago when I asked myself a simple question; at the end of my days…. will I have mattered?
To prepare yourself to handle negative emotions, you should have a set of mental tricks available to you to help combat the situations that cause negative emotions. These tricks force you to address the situation immediately so that negative emotions do not linger or grow into something unmanageable.