
I should not be afraid of being judged by others.

My opinion about myself is what matters.  I can stand in front of a mirror and look at myself with no judgement. I have no fear of looking myself in the eyes.  I won’t hide from myself.  After years of standing face to face against my own reflection, I am finally OK with what I see. 

Got it. I should not be so afraid of being judged by others. 

I used to think that building a lasting legacy mattered. Now I am not so sure.  At the pace the world is changing, any lasting impact I have is fleeting.  Fifteen minutes of fame is all I could wish for.  I might be remembered by the next generation.  If I am lucky, the generation after that still whisper my name.  But I am fairly certain that the generation after the next, will have no memory of me.  My existence will drift away like a bottle in the ocean, only this time there will be no one to find the secret message inside.  The truth is, my blip on the radar is disappearing quickly.  Why should other’s opinions of me matter?  Good or bad we will all soon be dust.

I hear you. I should not be so afraid of being judged by others. 

The work I produce and the art I release comes from my own unique talents. I will be the only I that ever exists.  The world needs more I’s who willing to produce self-motivated art.  The world needs more I’s who are willing to share their message, even in the face of criticism.  We all can’t be loved by everyone. And the more we try to be loved by others, the less likely we will love ourselves.

OK. I should not be so afraid of being judged by others. 

All of my fears are internal.  My fears are just an illusion.  What am I afraid of? Being laughed at?  Failing? Not being good enough?  All valid but yet invalid fears.  Fear is the grim reaper that takes away from my internal power.  I can say that I am not afraid, but can I prove it?  Can I stare down my fears and inch towards it?  I know I must.

That’s it. I should not be so afraid of being judged by others. 

I can live life accumulating regret or I can live life avoiding it.  I need to run as fast as I can away from regret because once regret catches me, I will never be free from it.  What will I regret more? Doing something and being judged for it… or holding back and never knowing the outcome?  Instinctively, I know the answer.

I know that I should not be so afraid of being judged by others... 

Then why is it that I still am?